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This aquatic perennial (Canadian Pondweed) is native to North America and is naturalized in Australia, Asia and Europe. It grows completely submerged beneath the water. It has multi-branched, slightly brittle stems that are clothed with whorls of sessile, medium green, pointed leaves.

Pot Cultivation

The Canadian Pondweed grows better in cooler water. In temperatures above 70� F, it becomes spindly. This plant can be grown under 8 to 10 feet of water and will easily reach the surface of the average water garden. This plant derives most of its nourishment from the water through its leaves; its roots serve mainly to anchor it to the bottom, therefore, they may be planted in sand or pea gravel as well as soil. They may be anchored down and just dropped into the pond or planted in containers of sand or gravel. If they are only floated in the pond, too much sunlight and air will kill it. If fish don't keep this plant in check, it will need to be pruned back to prevent it from choking other water plants and taking up swimming space for fish.


Stem tip cuttings may be used to increase this plant.

E. canadensis. 


E. canadensis. 

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